Hey everyone, Food not Bombs will be cooking again next Saturday, 9 April. We start at around 11.00 and serve as usual on Lækjatorg at 14.00. Everyone s welcome to help, visit and/or just chat with us….
Hey everyone, Food not Bombs will be cooking again next Saturday, 9 April. We start at around 11.00 and serve as usual on Lækjatorg at 14.00. Everyone s welcome to help, visit and/or just chat with us….
Food not Bombs, as every Saturday, vegan food for free. Cooking takes place at 11am at útgerðin, Grandagarðar 16, eating takes place at 2pm at Lækjartorg. Come and paticipate!
The anticapitalist projects have to move from one end of útgerðinn to the other. Sounds like little work? You don’t remember how many books and bike parts there are… Help the people move on Friday, March 18. Start around 18:30. Bring some friends and let’s make it easy and fun. Everybody welcome.
The critical documentaries are moving to Kirkjugarðsstígur 4. This Thursday: “Dear friends of critical documentaries, in the times of economical “crisis” people loose their jobs, enterprises go bankrupt and questions become impossible to ignore. Why is there still a class system organized by fear and opression and why is there so little self-organization of workers? […]
Free yoga is changing place. A warmer, more welcoming atmosphere at Kirkjugarðsstígur 4. Time stays the same: Thursday’s at 7pm. Bring a mat and energy, see you there!
In English below… _________________________________________________________________ Veturinn 2008-2009: Fólk hópaðist út á götur og felldi ríkisstjórn. Síðar meir voru 9 einstaklingar valdir út og sakaðir um brot á 100. grein hegningarlaga. ÁRÁS SMÁRÁS! Tónleikar til stuðnings nímenningunum á Nasa, fimmtudaginn 13. janúar kl. 20:30. Fram koma: MÚM / PÁLL ÓSKAR / SIN FANG BOUS / DISKÓEYJAN / […]
Dear people who lock themselves out of their homes loose the keys to their bike locks There will be a workshop trying to help you out A tutorial how to make tools for lock picking (and the possibility to make them there right away) And a little picking session afterwards with some easy locks to […]
Yoga is going into the next round…everybody who survived the last lesson and everybody who is determined to twist and stretch the body is welcome! New people are more than welcome, bring your friends and spread the word please – that there is fríkeypis yoga for independent people at húsið, Höfðatún 12 On Thursday, January […]
Free yoga course at húsið, Höfðatún 12, at 7pm on Jan 6! If you can’t come to the first session but want to join anyway from the second session on, comment on this post and you will be provided with the details if the course continues. Dear people who like the idea of being able […]
For all who don’t celebrate Xmas for those who want food for those who want to connect to people and share good vibes húsið on Höfðatorg 12 is open on December 24 in the evening, from 6pm, for: people’s kitchen (vegan, bring some veggies and fancy stuff like coconut milk or drinks, snacks, if you […]